Future TV 

Hardware and service concepts exploring the future of television.

Client: Samsung

Role: Project Lead/ Client management

The TV has been under fire for a long time but with cheap data, better streaming, and infinite content options, the "lean-back" experience of traditional TV has all but disappeared in favor of "lean-forward" behaviors like multi-screen, content-everywhere watching. The kids these days don't watch TV like they're supposed to, and everyone else is acting more and more like those pesky kids.

We worked with Samsung to develop hardware and service concepts for the next generation of TV. We went deep with ethnographies exploring extreme TV watchers including gamers, sports fans, and multi-screen power users. Our concepts focused on creating personalized content experiences that were portable across devices, throughout the home, while taking advantage of emerging screen technologies. We worked with the client to develop full hardware and software technical requirements along with detailed use cases, user experiences, and user journeys.